Privacy Policy
Legal notices
Business name or company name.
Address of the company's head office.
Names of the company's directors.
Phone number, company email address.
Registration number in the trade and companies register or other authority applicable to the activity. (SIRET)
Tax identification number.
Legal form of the company.
Amount of Share Capital.
If your website offers services as part of an activity that requires approval from a public authority, the contact details of the supervisory authority must be provided.
Website created on Wix. The site is hosted by: Wix | Wix Online Platform Limited
Host Address: 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland
Privacy Policy
The information we collect from you.
How you collect information.
Why you are collecting the information.
Who you share the information with.
Where the information is stored.
How long is the information kept?
How you protect information.
Changes or updates to the Privacy Policy.